The best investment is in the tools of one's own trade.
Benjamin Franklin
Why create a Toolbox?
Many believe that the boom-and-bust cycle of local resource development is no longer working. Co-Pilot develops interventions and materials collaboratively, sharing the cost through pooled subscription fees and invites members to be as involved in the creative process as they choose.
This model means the quality and quantity of materials greatly exceed what can be generated on a local or regional level. It also leaves members with more time and energy to do what they do best - delivery.
Designing, building and maintaining high-quality assets and resources is complex, costly and time-consuming. Yet, with the advent of brands like Netflix and design-savvy brands, public expectation of media quality has never been higher.
There is plenty of overlap in the Venn diagram of priorities, so we work closely with members to commission and test content, ensuring we’re always meeting a need and not duplicating existing materials.
The fast-growing Toolbox currently includes:
Social media posts
To create a shared library of research-led, high-quality social posts, designed around key safe system themes. We aim to produce one new post per week and work 6-9 months ahead of schedule, allowing members the opportunity to forward-plan their posts.
Whilst the social library includes topical posts responding to current events, we aim for this content to coincide with key road safety calendar events.
ADAS awareness
Research shows that many people are unaware of or unsure how to best use some of the most important vehicle safety technologies, known as ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems).
This intervention is designed to be used by car dealerships, as well as service centres, to highlight the systems fitted to each owner’s specific vehicle and signpost them to short educational videos, explaining the benefits and offering tips to get the best out of them.
E-mail CRM
Co-Pilot membership includes access to an email CRM platform for collecting, storing and segmenting data in a GDPR compliant way, allowing targeted educational email campaigns to be deployed to a variety of road users groups.
With average open rates in excess of 50% (far above industry average) this approach has proven an effective way of communicating important messages.
This intervention aims to educate the public about e-scooter safety and includes high-quality chapterised video, which can be promoted by members using the suite of print and digital assets.
The ten-minute video covers the law, maintenance, protection and riding skills. Although the primary aim of this intervention is to mitigate illegal e-scooter use, it contains helpful information for those hiring an e-scooter within the approved government trial.
Highway Code campaign
Despite the Highway Code updates coming into effect two years ago, public awareness and acceptance of the changes remains low. This creates misaligned expectations between road users and in the case of vulnerable road users, there can be particularly harmful consequences.
Research conducted by Dr Box shows the over 40s to be least aware of the changes, so this intervention aims to raise awareness of the hierarchy of road users as well as specific instructions for scenarios such as pedestrian priority at junctions, cyclist priority when going straight ahead and overtaking.
This intervention will comprise a short viral film along with a series of online and offline promotional assets.
Vehicle checks
Safer vehicles are a core part of the safe system, yet poor car maintenance is often cited as a contributory factor in crashes. In the COM-B behaviour change model, we have identified opportunity and capability as key areas to address when it comes to regular checks by drivers – this intervention uses a templated car/van checklist with contextual VR links to help videos to improve capability.
This intervention can be deployed in many ways, but perhaps the best mechanism from a motivational point of view would be via MOT and vehicle services centres, at a moment when the owner may be facing the financial cost of vehicle maintenance and looking for an opportunity to better-maintain their vehicle.
Hazard Prediction
Whilst hazard perception testing and training is effective with novice drivers, those with driving experience are more likely to be assessing precursors to hazards and therefore, this style of training and assessment is ineffective for the majority of the driving population.
Produced by ESITU, the Nottingham Trent University spin-off run by Professor David Crundall and Dr Victoria Kroll, these 20 CGI and video clips include both a testing and training element. They have been evaluated as effective and benefit from a variety of use cases – from grey fleet to professional drivers (even blue light response!).
Users are asked to watch rolling clips of a journey featuring several young people and click when they see a hazard or a risk (i.e. distracted driver). Each correct click adds points to the total score and provides immediate, affirmative feedback.
Several key hazards show either a positive or negative ‘outcome’ depending on whether the user spotted them or not. At the end of the game, users are told how their score compares to other players.
The aim is to give young drivers an opportunity to develop their risk perception skills as well as their hazard perception, in a gamified, yet real-life scenario. It is versatile and can be deployed online or in a group setting.
Perhaps one of the first times when people really consider the importance of safer journeys is when they bring a new child home.
Produced in partnership with experts ChildSeatSafety and presented as a 16-page magazine, this resource aims to help those who transport children do so safely and confidently.
Digital display unit
As well as providing access to digital assets, we aim to help members bring contextual and highly visual messaging to their events and communities.
Members time-share a box trailer complete with five 43” portable digital display screens.
Stock media library
We have created a shared library of high-quality images and video, which can be used by members when designing online and offline creatives.
Comprising both editorial and full commercial user permissions, this asset is completely member-led, and we consult before each of the biannual top-up shoots.
Current Toolbox value = £362,000.
Here’s one of the clips from our suite of 20. Watch closely and see if you can answer the reflective question correctly - then listen to the replay with accompanying commentary. These HazardSmarter clips, backed by evidence of effectiveness, have a vast range of potential use cases, from novice drivers to blue light responders.
This awareness campaign has been designed for deployment by new and used car dealerships at the point of sale. It helps buyers better understand the safety tech fitted to their vehicles and how to use it effectively. However, the AutoNinja vehicle tech awareness intervention has many other use cases, including in the driver training and insurance sectors.
Backed by a range of print and digital promotional assets, the ScootSmarter intervention is designed to educate the public about the law surrounding e-scooter use and offer tips for safe riding within trial areas or when using a private e-scooter legally on private property with the landowner’s permission.
Perhaps one of the first times when people really consider the importance of safer journeys is when they transport their children for the first time. Suddenly, view risk in a different way. Although they have come on leaps and bounds in recent years in terms of safety, child car seats still have complicated standards, and myths abound about how best to secure seats and children.
Produced in partnership with subject matter experts ChildSeatSafety and presented as a high-quality 16-page magazine, CarSeatSmarter aims to help those who transport children to do so safely and confidently. In addition to the printed resource, there are six short videos and an interactive quiz, allowing viewers to test their knowledge.
Membership Options
2p per head of population per year.
£1,000-£10,000 per year, depending on size.
✔︎ Unlimited Toolbox access
✔︎ Unlimited Community members
✔︎ Place on Co-Pilot steering group
✔︎ Exclusive member-only events
£295+VAT per year.
✔︎ Full Community access
Including collaborative spaces, MasterClasses, Research Library, Briefings, Partners & Resources.